Thursday 17 March 2016

Pupillage Gateway opens for applications on Monday 4 April 2016

Pupillage Gateway is now getting ready to open its submissions window for applications on Monday 4 April at 11.00am.

All chambers must advertise their pupillage vacancies on the Gateway even if they do not recruit through it. For those chambers who manage their recruitment process outside the Pupillage Gateway, please refer to the instructions in the vacancy advert or the chambers’ website for further details.

For those chambers that do recruit through the Gateway, you have exactly one month to make up to 12 pupillage applications before the closing date of  Wednesday 4 May.

You can now access the Pupillage Gateway to browse vacancies which are being added all the time.  A practice online application form is now available and once you start adding your details, these will be copied across to your live pupillage applications after 4 April. You can tailor all sections of the application form to each pupillage vacancy.

barrister: Genuine horsehair barristers wig on an antique desk

If you are now in the final year of your Law degree and are starting the BPTC in September 2016 you should be starting to apply for pupillages now, 18 months before you are available.

I am always happy to assist students with applications, so if you need any help, please contact me.

For more details and to start preparing your applications please go to Pupillage Gateway

Monday 7 March 2016

University of Chester Law students visit Lincoln's Inn

On Wednesday 2 March 10 Law students from the University of Chester Law School attended an Information Afternoon and Evening at Lincoln's Inn in London, accompanied by Philippa Hardie, specialist Law Career Consultant, at the University.

The students mingled with undergraduates from other Universities over tea before sitting down to an afternoon of very interesting talks, given by practising barristers from both the employed and the self-employed bar.  The aim of the talks was not to try to recruit students to the Inn or the Bar as a profession, but to give them a realistic view of  life as a Barrister and the challenges they may meet along the way.

The talks were followed by a drinks reception, giving students the opportunity to network with Members of the Inn, including the speakers, other barristers and judges.  Everyone then took their places in the Great Hall for a formal dinner with speeches.

The students all thoroughly enjoyed the evening.  Laura Macmillan, a first year Law student said," It cemented my future career choice of becoming a barrister and it gave me a clear path to follow.  I felt reassured upon leaving that despite the fierce competition, I have a good chance of fulfilling my dream". 

Polly Green, also a first year Law student, commented, " A fantastic evening was had by all. The knowledge and experience that was shared with us was invaluable.  A brilliant insight into the reality of life at the Bar."

Pictured below are some of the Law students who attended from the University of Chester.