Wednesday 25 July 2018

Less than one week to go for training contract applications in commercial Law firms for 2020!

With less than a week to go before the closing date of 31 July for training contracts in a large number of commercial Law firms, now is the time to finish off those applications.

Don't leave applying until the very last minute as this will show through.  Use the days you have left until the deadline to check over your forms one last time.  It's always a good idea to ask someone else to look through the application just in case you've missed a typo, or even missed out an answer to a whole question!  It happens!  You've spent a huge amount of time doing numerous applications so the last thing you want is to be rejected at the first stage!  We, as Career Consultants, are always happy to check CVs, cover letters and application forms for you.

Use resources like to help you.  Samantha Hope, the Head of Recruitment and Marketing for trainee solicitors at Shoosmiths wrote an article recently on the "Top 10 brainless blunders that could cost you your training contract".  It makes interesting reading.

Good luck!

Thursday 19 July 2018

LawCareersNetLIVE applications now open for students - Manchester, Friday 7 December 2018

Are you considering a career at a large, national Law firm?  If so, this one day careers conference in Manchester on 7 December 2018, could be for you.  It is designed for talented students (Law and non-Law) who want to learn more about how to build a career as a successful solicitor.

Please see below for more details from the organiser,

LawCareersNetLIVE offers delegates an immersive, full-day event looking at the economics of national firms, what they do, how a career might progress and the life of lawyers working in this sort of business. It is timed to maximise the benefit to students intending to apply for 2019 vacation schemes.

The event includes:
  • advice on crafting excellent applications, shining at interview and forging a successful career;
  • exposure to, and insight from, some of the UK’s most experienced recruiters and lawyers; and
  • networking opportunities with those same recruiters and lawyers, and fellow delegates, including during interactive firm-led workshops, which drill down into what it’s like to work in a particular practice area within a national firm.

Why should you attend?

If you want to learn more about life as a lawyer in a national firm, from the people who are already living it and those who hire them, and you have the experience and grades to back up your enthusiasm, then LawCareersNetLIVE is the perfect event for you.

Who will be there?

Graduate recruiters, trainees, associates and partners from some of the UK’s most prestigious firms. You will have a chance to hear their opinions and advice, speak to them directly at the numerous networking opportunities and impress them personally during the workshops.

How do you apply?

The application form is available here. The closing date for applications is 26 October 2018 but applications will be looked at on a rolling basis so apply sooner!  

If you are successful in gaining a place you will have to pay the delegate fee of £29. 

Make sure that you give your application the due care and attention required; we are looking for many of the same things that law firms are, so consider this good practice!

Think you’ve got what it takes? We look forward to receiving your application and wish you luck in your bid to be one of the hand-picked delegates at this unique careers event.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Deadline for 2020 training contracts in commercial Law firms coming closer!

The 31 July deadline for  training contracts in commercial Law firms to begin in 2020 is approaching, but there's still time to put together some good, targeted applications.

My piece of advice on this is, that it is better to do fewer applications but do each one well, than to try to do as many as possible before the deadline. 

Here are  my top 10 tips when applying for training contracts:

  1. Be realistic about the kind of firm you apply to.  Look at the selection criteria and be honest with yourself about whether you can match it.
  2. Identify a shortlist of suitable firms and do your research on each one.  You need to spend time understanding firms and how they differ so you can make an informed application.
  3. Read the application procedure very carefully and make sure you follow the instructions. You don't want to fall at the first hurdle because you misunderstood how to apply.
  4. Make sure you know your own skills and abilities and have good examples of where you have demonstrated these skills.
  5. Stick to word limits when answering questions but note that 100 words isn't enough to answer a question if the limit is 250 words.
  6. Draft out answers to questions and ask advice from a Career Consultant to see if you are on the right track.  If you haven't answered the question your application will be rejected.
  7. You must be able to write in a clear and concise manner.  There is no margin for error here so be very careful to check and recheck your application for errors.  Then show your completed form to a Career Consultant who will look at it with a critical eye.
  8. Don't leave your applications until the last minute.  If you rush to meet the deadline you could regret it later.  Late applications will not be accepted.
  9. Make sure you are commercially aware by keeping up-to-date with the business news as well as current affairs.
  10. Check your application one last time and print off a copy.  You will need to revisit this if you are invited for interview!

Remember that the 31 July deadline applies mostly to commercial Law firms.  If you don't want to be a commercial Lawyer then don't apply.  You won't succeed in making a convincing application if your heart really isn't in it.

There are resources available to help you with your applications on CareerHub as well as on

Good luck!

Thursday 5 July 2018

Day in the life of a Trainee Solicitor - The University of Law, Chester 18 July 2018

If you've ever wondered what life as a trainee solicitor might be like, why not find out by attending this free event at The University of Law, Chester on Wednesday 18 July from 10am to 4pm?

Book your place now here