Monday 10 December 2012

Work Placement Schemes 2013

What is a work placement scheme and why is it so important in the search for that elusive training contract?

A work placement, or vacation scheme as it is also called, is a period of one or two weeks paid work experience in a Law firm either in the Spring or Summer.  It tends to be the larger commercial Law firms that offer this.  See for further details of closing dates and information on the firms.

The reason why these schemes are so important is because, according to recent research by an organisation called High Fliers, 51% of training contract vacancies are filled by graduates who have already completed a vacation scheme with the firm. Also the firms offering work placements tend to be the ones who will fund the LPC.

I would suggest drawing up a short-list of around 6 law firms who specialise in areas of law you are interested in and who are in a suitable location. Make sure your application is as good as it possibly can be and pay particular attention to spelling and grammar.  I am always happy to read over applications for you. 

To help you I am doing a presentation on Work Placements in January 2013.

Wednesday 23 January 2013



I would recommend that you think about attending.

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