Tuesday 16 April 2013

Welcome Back to all Law Students

Welcome back to the summer term to all Law students.

For first years this is the final term as "new" students and you will have exams looming.  If you are thinking of pursuing a career as a solicitor or barrister then it's not too late to try to sort out some legal work experience for this summer.  most of the formal work placement schemes are for second years and above but smaller, local firms in your area might be worth approaching. 

Use www.solicitors-online.com to find out details of law firms and what areas of law they specialise in.  For prospective barristers use the new Pupillage Gateway website for information on barristers' chambers www.pupillagegateway.com

For second years you will be revising for your exams before the majority go out on Work Based Learning.  Some of you will be working in a legal environment which is a great opportunity to find out more about law as a career.  Don't be afraid to ask questions and keep details of the people you meet. Networking is so important and you never know when contacts you make now might be useful in future. You might be offered further work experience as a result.

For third years this is nearly the end of your Law degree and you may be finishing off your dissertation plus revising. You may also have decisions to make re accepting a place on the LPC or BPTC or you may have decided to take some time out to get some work experience. You could be applying for jobs in completely different areas from Law. I can help with CVs, covering letters and application forms as well as offering mock interviews.

Good luck to all of you with your exams and please let me know if I can help with your career plans.  Call 01244 513066 to make an appointment or email me p.hardie@chester.ac.uk

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