Wednesday 1 June 2016

How to write a good covering letter for a training contract application

Now that application deadlines are drawing near (make sure you don't miss a closing date by checking the list on it might be timely to concentrate on the covering letter.

A covering letter is a very important part of your training contract application.  If written well, it could clinch that invitation to interview.  Here are some hints and tips on how to write a winning letter.

Typewriter, Typing, Typographical, Date, Vintage, Type

  • Keep to a maximum of one side of A4.  
  • Paragraphs should be clearly laid out.
  • Use a font that is easy to read, such as Arial.
  • Try to write in a direct and simple way. You will save space and get your message over more easily.

  • Always write to a named person rather than ‘Sir/Madam’ if at all possible. 
  • Use their title and surname only, eg Dear Mrs Smith
First paragraph

  • Use this to set the scene. 
  • Clarify what you are applying or looking for, when for and what you’re currently doing.  
  • For example, ‘I am writing to you in response to your advert for a trainee solicitor to start in September 2018. I am currently a final year LLB student at the University of Chester.’ 
  • You could also add a reason for your interest in the vacancy, eg previous time spent in a similar firm, relevant options during your degree, 
  •  Mention you are enclosing your CV.
Second paragraph

  • Address why you are applying to the firm.
  • Think about its size, location and areas of specialisation. 
  • Then widen this out to anything special or unique about the employer (eg six seats rather than four) and your wider career aims.  
  • You need to demonstrate that you have researched the employer and area of work and that you have a good feel for what they are about. 
  • Make links to any experience that has helped you come to your decision and avoid vague generalisations such as ‘top class training programme’ or ‘international reputation’.

Third paragraph

  • This is where you need to convince the employer that you are right for them and for the role. If you are responding to an advertised position, address each of the selection criteria. 
  • Don’t expect the reader to turn to your CV to evidence this; lay it out for them to read. 
  •  If you don’t have much relevant experience, explain why you think you could make a contribution, e.g. team player, fast learner, good people skills. 
  •  Refer to points on your CV that you want the reader to note without repeating too much information. 
Fourth paragraph

  • This is for any other relevant information such as mitigating circumstances for poor academic results, or details of extra qualifications that are relevant to the job, e.g. languages, LLM.

Final paragraph

  • Use this space to sign off and indicate your availability for interview. 
  • Use ‘Yours sincerely’ where you have written to a named individual and ‘Yours faithfully’ if you have had to use ‘Sir/Madam’. 

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